Author: Shane Adamson

7 Communication Mistakes Every Parent Should Avoid

Your child may be a miniature version of you – or not! — but children (ages 0-17) are not miniature adults, no matter how much they act or insist to...

Keep Your Love Alive: A Quick Little Activity

Here’s a marriage enhancement activity that we at the Center for Marriage and Family Counseling recommend to some of our couples. Now you can do it too. If you do...

How Connected Is Your Marriage? Take the A.R.E Assessment

This quiz comes from marriage expert Dr. Sue Johnson, in her Hold Me Tight Program. Sue Johnson is the creator of the effective Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT). EFT has a...

Relieve Stress Without Causing Yourself More Stress

Stress can be harmful. As you know well, stress can make you feel the same symptoms you feel when you are sick. To get rid of stress, you must do...

6 Ways to Add Laughter to Your Life

“A good laugh and a long nap are the two best cures for anything.” –Irish Proverb Although I love the sound of that – and the idea behind it, as...

Self-Compassion: A Pathway Toward Healing Trauma

For many people, the word trauma conjures up images of serious life experiences such as war, abuse, suicide and divorce. Many therapists call these types of threat to life and/or...

After Shattered: The Betrayed Partner’s Pain

Partners of sex addicts experience extensive emotional and relational pain. Often, partners feel intense difficult emotions, including anger, abandonment, rejection, loneliness, sadness, depression, anxiety, fear, worry, shame, and/or guilt. They...

Sex Addiction Counseling Helps Cure Compulsive Behavior

Compulsive, inappropriate sexual behavior merits sex addiction counseling. Anyone who is unable to control sexual thoughts and actions to a point where it interferes with daily life may have a...

5 Tips for Healthy Communication

Here are five tips for healthy communication in marriage: Have an Open Mind Whenever you are having issues in your marriage it is important for each spouse to have an...

Marriage Counseling In Frisco, TX: Get Help To Save Your Marriage

Do you remember the day you got married?  Did you ever think you’d get to the point where you’d need marriage counseling?  Most people don’t but life, work, and children...